Fraud detection methods from a direct advertiser

We continued our discussion with, a direct advertiser, to get more insights on crucial points for marketers, this time we focused on fraud detection.

In this Ads&Grans episode we’ll mostly discuss how to actually notice fraud, manual and automated ways of its identification as well as accepted traffic.

RichAds team has a brand new Youtube activity — Ads&Grans talks.
These are interviews with people from the affiliate and performance marketing sphere.
Click here to watch the 10 previous interviews.

Insights on fraud identification: share tips

In the second episode of our talks with Taras Sorokin, financial analyst, we had an in-depth discussion on fraud in affiliate marketing and ways to spot it in advance.

Main topic on fraud detection that were raised in talks with

  • Common ways to identify fraud in the niche and its definition.
  • The amount of fraud in comparison with previous years.
  • Tools to actually identify fraudulent actions and how they work.
  • Automated vs manual ways to evaluate fraud.
  • Suspicious user behavior: what is it?
  • The amount of time needed to identify fraudulent activity.
  • CPA network vs casino operator fraud detection differences.
  • Hacks to predict negative cases and money losses and avoid them.
  • The traffic that will 100% be accepted by
  • Reconciliation period and KPI monitoring.

👇 Watch the 2d part of Ads&Grans talks with expert right now 👇

👇 Watch the 1st part of Ads&Grans talks with👇

Check out more affiliate marketing insights at RichAds’ Youtube channel

The RichAds YouTube channel is an excellent source of information on all aspects of affiliate marketing. The channel features short videos, webinars, and roundtable discussions with experts. You can also find the other video interviews from the Ads&Grans talks.

Videos from Ads&Grans talks that are available now

On the channel, you can find a lot of tips and tricks as well as webinars for the main verticals:

  • Gambling,
  • Betting,
  • Dating,
  • Antiviruses,
  • Finance,
  • Sweepstakes,
  • Nutra,
  • VPN, and cleaners.

Feel free to Subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the bell icon not to miss new videos! We plan to add up to 10 videos each month. Stay tuned for our next video.

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 Domain redirect traffic,
🔝 CPM for domain ads starts from $ 1.5,
⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $ 0.003,
🔼 CPM for pops — from $0.5 in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 geos.

Victoria Hubkina
Starting off as an account manager at RichAds, Victoria Hubkina has been immersed in affiliate marketing as a content writer for over three years. Her expertise spans all the possible verticals from Gambling to Nutra and various types of traffic. By now, Victoria has written over 100 articles on marketing topics and crafted scripts for RichAds YouTube channel. Beyond work, she indulges in esotericism, film photography, and vintage fashion.

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