Finance Vertical Guide + Top Offers

Today the financial vertical is becoming more and more popular among affiliate marketers all over the world. The topic of money has always captured the imagination and suggested the idea of an easy payday. In this finance vertical guide, you’ll also get the list of the top push ads offers in finance vertical.

Today the financial vertical is becoming more and more popular among affiliate marketers all over the world. The topic of money has always captured the imagination and suggested the idea of an easy payday.

After the financial crisis in 2008, banks got huge masses of cheap money from the central banks. That’s why affiliate marketers can earn on these huge financial volumes. Offers are emerging at the speed of light and some of them can be quite expensive and difficult to work with. 

From this article, you will know the basics of the financial vertical and get useful tips on how to launch campaigns in this niche.

Let’s start with the definition

Finance is a gray hat vertical that includes lots of offers types with different advertisers and strategies for success. 

Financial offers are mainly based on banks’ offers granting (micro) loans, insurance services, and credit cards.

Advantages of financial offers

  • Varied target audience.
    The users of the vertical are representative of different social categories with diverse interests, needs, and requirements. That’s why you can launch campaigns with low or high budgets and choose a GEO you want to benefit from.
United States
  • Lots of different target actions.
    Target action is an important must for conversion. The finance vertical allows choosing offers with any target action you want: filling the form, granting of a loan, etc.
  • Huge payouts.
    The banking sector has always objectified a huge money supply. That’s why experienced advertisers can depend on quite high payouts (in the range from $11 to $350).

Types of financial offers

There is a wide variety of financial offers, so advertisers can match their needs with opportunities. The profit from one user may be really high but the higher the payout the more difficult it is to earn.

Types of financial offers:

  • credit cards;
  • loans;
  • microloans;
  • binary options;
  • consumer credits;
  • banking service;
  • brokerage service;
  • deposits;
  • insurance.

Advertisers are paid for the loans, credit cards, filled form, or card issuing.

Speaking about the types of traffic for financial offers, push, social, and email traffic show the best results.

Landing pages examples

finance push ads guide Landing pages examples
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Find useful tips on creatives titles for the financial vertical in our blog. Read Guide: Titles for Financial Offers

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

What are the causes of failures?

Lots of advertisers suffer setbacks while launching financial offers. They dump a lot of money and don’t get conversions. But what is the reason for it?

Reason 1: Incorrect choice of offers. 
Remember about your target audience. Speaking of the finance vertical, the audience is quite diverse here. The user who is interested in microloans will hardly visit a landing page with the consumer credit offer. That’s why any advertiser should mind the difference in material and social standing and consider these indicators while choosing an offer, preparing creatives and landing pages.

Reason 2. Lack of quality traffic. 
Before choosing a traffic source make sure that it converts in finance vertical generating quality leads. Evaluate available targeting options and the possibility to verify traffic in third-party services. For example, RichAds traffic is verified by AdScore.

Reason 3. High competition. 
The finance niche is a real mother lode for all affiliate marketers. Perspectives of high payouts attract more and more specialists. The competition is increasing and it’s becoming more and more difficult to surprise a sophisticated user. It’s important to think of new bundles regularly to get steady conversions.

Reason 4. Lack of optimization.
Lots of advertisers tend to slack after a successful launch and getting first high payouts. They remain campaigns unchanged believing that those will continue turning a profit. But this judgment is clearly mistaken. Trends are changing. These changes are also shared by banking. It’s necessary to be flexible, update creatives and landing pages, finding new working tricks and approaches. 

Expert interview

We discussed all the burning issues in the vertical with the expert from the financial CPA network LEADS.suEugene Konovalov, Head of the Accounting Department of the network.

RichAds: What challenges has the financial vertical faced since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Eugene: Among the negative consequences are the following:

  • the review of scoring by advertisers, which resulted in increased demands on banks and MFOs;
  • the stoppage of many offers because of self-isolation (it was impossible to grant loans or credit cards as banks were closed);
  • the reduction of tariffs on offers due to the crisis.

RichAds: How to choose a financial offer? What to pay attention to?

Eugene: First of all, you need to decide for yourself from which source you will get traffic. If we talk about indicators, we should pay attention to HOLD on offer, frequency of statistics updating, AR, and CR as well as the average price per click (EPC).

RichAds: Can I make money on financial traffic with a limited budget?

Eugene: It is definitely possible to make money with a limited budget. For the period of the tests, it is enough to understand whether the bundle has worked or not. But it is also necessary to understand that the financial vertical is usually a “long game”, and for further scaling, it will be necessary to increase investments.

RichAds: What is the key to successful conversion on finance?

Eugene: The key is in the precise setting of targeting, the settings of the advertising company, and the source of traffic, as not all sources convert well. But the simplest and most important indicator is ROI. If it is a plus one and advertisers have no complaints about the quality of traffic, you will have profit even with low-conversion bundles.

RichAds: Trends in finance vertical for 2021. What are your forecasts?

Eugene: We expect the growth of the MFO market. Maybe banks will join the fight for the MFO niche in short-term loans for small amounts. It is difficult to make a forecast today as much will depend on further developments around COVID-19.

The best finance advertising offers

Our partner CPA#1 profitable affiliate program has prepared a list of the best finance offers. Here are the best finance push ads offers:

Binany: IDN, MYS, VNM, THA, BRA, MEX, $11-35.
Monfex Crypto: QAT, UAE, SAU, ESP, MEX, $249-371.
ZelWin: all countries, $25.
AlphaPlay: all countries, $25.
ForexClub: Europe, $337.

If you are looking for an advertising network to launch finance offers, read our article about the finance ads platforms to find the best one for your needs.

Find high-quality traffic for financial offers at the RichAds advertising platform. Launch and optimize your profitable campaigns with real experts in the sphere!

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

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