Let’s face it — Telegram is not only a messenger anymore, but a platform for content creators to earn money on their channels, bots and since very recently Mini Apps! But do you wonder how to monetize your Telegram project with the maximum impact?
In this article, you will find a full guide to Telegram monetization for any project, prepared for you by RichAds ad network!
A general guide to monetization in Telegram: 3 popular sources
Basically, the monetization possibilities in Telegram don’t differ much from other platforms alike and end up at providing advertisement places at various resources: from channels to Mini Apps. But the advertising forms and peculiarities do differ based on the type of the resource. Below, we provided short reviews on the most common Telegram monetization options conducted for you by RichAds.
Monetization in Telegram channels
While looking up options on how to monetize Telegram channels, the owners of those usually come across two popular ways: joining official Telegram ads for ‘sponsored messages’ displaying or publishing advertising posts. Eventually, both of the options can coexist in a single Telegram channel.
Sponsored messages are most likely the first thing content creators look at while searching for ways on monetizing Telegram channels. These ads are run via the official Telegram ad platform and are displayed in the very bottom of channels, usually marked as ‘sponsored’. The main condition for Telegram channels to get this type of monetization is to have at least 1000 members, while the revenue from ads is up to 50%. Nonetheless, sponsored messages can be turned off by Telegram Premium users regardless of the channel owners’ wish.
Advertising posts are probably the most common way to monetize Telegram channels nowadays. Selling ad placements as posts in its turn can be done two ways: having agreements with advertisers or by relying on Telegram ad agencies and affiliate programs. Regarding the work with advertisers directly — it’s all based on the individual agreements, while Telegram ad agencies basically just automate this process and provide a base of advertisers with ability to post ads according to owners’ preferences.
Good to know!
There’s also another way to monetize Telegram for channel owners — Telegram Stars. Basically, those are paid emojis that users might apply to posts, for example, to unlock exclusive content or just support the author. In fact, it barely passes as a monetization since it’s more of a donation which subscribers utilise to express appreciation for content.
Monetization in Telegram bots
Plainly speaking, monetization in Telegram bots isn’t that different from the options for channels: sponsored messages and advertising posts displayed to users. Additionally, the monetization in chats with bots might be enhanced by Telegram features that help selling digital products and services or provide access to paid premium content. Technically, most of the monetization opportunities regarding Telegram bots appear as more of a donation by the community.
Monetization in Telegram Mini Apps
Mini Apps in Telegram offer almost the same monetization possibilities as those in channels and chat bots, while lacking official sponsored messages. But in case with Mini Apps the common ad placing workflow gets tricky: negotiations with each advertiser to place advertisements, specific interface compatibility for in-app ads and annoying formats. For a while this problem remained unsolved, even though the popularity of Mini Apps grew, especially with the rise of tap-to-earn clickers.
Recently, we at RichAds launched a new advertising opportunity for Telegram Mini Apps that became a game-changer. Since such apps operate more like a web page opening in a separate window, we exploited the technology and launched an innovative native ads format in Telegram Mini Apps that doesn’t affect the interface and overall functionality. Plus to that, it doesn’t demand looking for advertisers as we feature 500+ active marketers on our ad platform!
Good news!
RichAds team launched a brand-new Telegram channel for publishers, and it’s packed with tips, updates, and everything you need to monetize your traffic. If you’re a publisher, this is your sign — go subscribe @RichAds_TgAds!
How to monetize in Telegram as an ad publisher at RichAds
At RichAds ad network marketers launch campaigns on a complete self-serve advertising platform, including on the Telegram ads format in Mini Apps. Basically, it works similar to in-page push notifications, hovering above the bottom corner of the window with a small banner of an icon, short title and description. Mini App owners in Telegram can monetize their projects by becoming ads publishers at RichAds, thus allowing our advertisers take placements in their apps.

Below, we explained what Telegram monetization is like at RichAds and its profitability along with a guide on how to start as a publisher for a Mini App owner.
Advantages of Telegram monetization in RichAds
Here, we highlighted the main points why Mini App owners should consider monetizing their projects in Telegram with RichAds ad network:
- No limit on the audience base.
Any app owner can monetize their project on Telegram at RichAds, starting with as many subscribers as it is. - Higher response from users.
This type of ads is really fresh as RichAds is the first among advertising networks to launch it, considering the very recent appearing of the Mini Apps themselves. Plus to that, the ads’ appearance easily overcomes the banner blindness and gathers increased engagement from users. - Huge advertisers base.
At RichAds there are over 500 marketers who run campaigns operating within all the top geos and verticals in affiliate marketing (including of Finance, Games, E-Commerce and Gambling offers with official licenses). So there’s no need to negotiate with each advertiser personally on agreements, as the entire advertising process is automated via our self-serve platform. - Seamless integration.
Unlike many other forms of in-app advertising placements, the Telegram ads integration by RichAds don’t require severe adjustments to the interface or interference with back-end. - Ad preferences taken into account.
We seek to provide both comfortable advertising conditions both to marketers and publishers, so we consider your preferences on the featured ad content and affiliate offer categories. RichAds’ managers will be in touch for any matter regarding setting up and customising advertisements.
The profits of Telegram monetization with RichAds
Publishers of Telegram ads at RichAds get paid for each click on the ads in their app, which is averagely $0.012 — $0.02. If the traffic source proves high efficiency and CTR — marketers will start competeting for prioritised placements and raise bids, thus increasing the amount of money a publisher earns. Depending on the audience base it’s possible to make money on Telegram Mini Apps monetization of over $300 daily!
Opportunity for reinvestment:
The payouts per click we offer at RichAds is above market’s average for now, but most importantly — it exceeds the costs of motivated traffic to promote your channel or app! Thus, you can make money on Telegram Mini App monetization to reinvest it on acquiring new users and increase the profits accordingly. We overviewed this method in our recent case study of Telegram monetization, so check it out!

Beginners’ guide on how to start monetizing Telegram Mini Apps at RichAds
Here, we provided a short walkthrough for joining Telegram monetization at RichAds:
1. Sign up and add a new traffic source.
Complete the registration process as a publisher at RichAds, specifying the account data, then proceed to ‘Traffic sources’ tab and click “+ Website”.

2. Specify the source details.
Choose the ‘Telegram Mini App’ as a type of website and ‘Telegram ads’ as an advertising format. Then you’d just need to speficy:
- Bot URL-address.
Since almost every Mini App is initiated via Telegram text bots, we request the Bot URL that is attached to them. - Web URL-address.
As all Telegram apps are basically highly functional web pages launched within the Mini Apps ecosystem, it’s required to specify the Web App URL-address also.

3. Integrate the Mini App with RichAds.
Each registered publisher gets a personal JS tag, which is needed to connect the app to RichAds’ publisher base. We made the integration process as simple as possible: by inserting the JS tag into HTML code of the page it will be automatically recognised as a source. If there are many Mini App games under one publisher, then separated JS tags are required to be set for each of them as they will be given individual ‘widget ID’ and different placings.
After inserting the JS tag code, press ‘Check connection’.

4. Complete the source connection.
The personal JS tag is to be inserted untouched and allowed to be read by our system, otherwise the connection will be incomplete. Request assistance of RichAds managers for setting up the integration in case of challenges occur during this stage!

Basically, that’s it and after this simple setting up publishers are ready to make money on Telegram Mini Apps! At RichAds the payouts are conducted each two weeks with the min withdrawal amount of $10 for online wallets like Caspitalist, Payoneer, PayPal, etc. Other payment methods can be discussed with managers.
Over the years Telegram became not only a messenger, but a whole platform on which content creators and web gaming industry enterprenuers can earn money! We at RichAds keep up with the current demands and offer Telegram Mini Apps owners a new way to monetize — becoming an ad publisher! The advertising opportunity secures decent profits for apps of any audience size, easy non-intefering integration process and cutomisable apperance!
We at RichAds have been a safe choice on advertising for both marketers and publishers since 2018, over the years gaining a lot of experience. Our ambitions and determination helped us to launch multiple successful formats: push, pops, in-page, display, redirect and native, recently additioned by Telegram ads. Join RichAds and start monetizing your Telegram app with the highest impact possible!