RichAds Updates: Must-Have Ad Network Features

Ad network updates

What features should you pay attention to when choosing an ad network? Is it possible to use a traffic source to make the media buying process easy and follow only working strategies from the start?
The answer is yes.

Since our latest launch of RichAds 2.0, affiliates and performance marketers have got a better chance of launching profitable ad campaigns while spending less resources.

For example, now it is not necessary to spend huge budgets on traffic to test an offer. The most quality sources with high conversions are highlighted in a separate Premium group. As the data showed, running premium converts 6.5 times higher than RON.

Now we continue to implement new solutions to simplify the work of advertisers with RichAds. This time, we will talk about the launch of retargeting, smart recommendations for running an ad campaign, improved tracking, targeting, and overall platform usability.

We will also show you what to expect from the ad network in 2021.


The long-awaited Retargeting feature is now available on RichAds platform. Since there is no interest in targeting push and pop traffic, retargeting is the best way to reach engaged audiences in your campaigns.

This, in turn, makes it possible to segment the audience according to different parameters and create customized creatives. Increased CTR and CR are guaranteed, which means that the ROI of campaigns increases as well.

Audiences for retargeting are collected automatically. You can reach users who previously clicked on your ads, engaged with your landing page, or made a conversion.

Tracking with RichPixel

RichPixel is an additional RichAds pixel for landing pages. After installing, it tracks their Engaged Clicks.

Thus, you can quickly find out how many users are interested in the offer, and what part of users leave immediately after clicking on the ad. Tracking is now set up much easier, without going into every campaign separately.

What are the next steps to use this data?

  • set interested users for retargeting;
  • find out which sources have the right audience for a particular offer;
  • optimize your campaigns faster, even before you get any conversions. This allows you to significantly save your budget, especially when the CPA is high.

Moreover, we have also activated a hint on where to insert the pixel.

Advanced Targeting updates

We have added one small but useful update to the advanced targeting by Country. When you select a country having different languages in different regions, a special alert appears.

It signals the need to revise creatives and, if necessary, localize them for each region. Users speak two or more languages, for example, in the UK, Canada, India, Indonesia, and many other countries.

We are adding more best practices in setting advanced targeting options from the experts.

Ad strategy recommendations

Primarily, we redesigned the way you see ad campaign results. Now working with reports has become much easier, and it is possible to manage the budget and bids for different campaigns on one page.

Ad campaign bids

Also, new important metrics have been added to the reports:

  • eCPA (Approved) – approved conversion cost.
  • CVR % (Approved) – approved conversion rate.

To help advertisers not miss the chance to increase profits, we added ad campaign recommendations for further actions, depending on their status and results.

Here are the examples of recommendations:

  • SCALE – increase the budget to the recommended level. It occurs when the campaign is successful in terms of eCPA, and the daily budget is spent in full.
  • OPTIMIZE – apply the blacklist generated by us. It appears when campaign performance can be improved.
  • REFRESH – upload new creatives. It signals creative burnout if eCTR has decreased.

Traffic Insights 2.0

A new Insights page is now available on the platform. It is an expanded version of our RichAds Insights tool, but now it shows the data not only about push but also about pop traffic.

Here you can see the average and top CPC, a number of Impressions, and WinRate for different countries. The numbers are refreshed automatically in real-time in your account.


Your feedback is very important to us so that we can continue to optimize the platform for the needs of performance marketers. Now you can easily leave suggestions and feedback about your experience on any page in the block on the right – it will take less than 1 minute.

Coming soon

Now we are actively working to launch even more updates in the coming months and further increase the performance of advertisers. What’s coming soon:

  • Automated rules 2.0 – in addition to the existing presets, we will add new solutions to prevent errors during automated rules set up.
  • Tracking Wizard – assistant for working with your tracker.
  • Balance change notifications (optional).
  • Dynamic creatives – high-converting combinations of uploaded images, titles, and texts.

Don’t forget to explore new features, strategies, and tips on our blog. Run and scale only profitable advertising on RichAds.

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 CPC starts from $ 0.003,
🔝 CPM from $0,3 in Tier 3, $0,5 in Tier 2, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 geos.

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