15 Questions You Asked About the Sweepstakes Vertical in Affiliate Marketing

15 questions from Sweepstakes webinar with RichAds and Mobidea experts.

Here you will find everything you wanted to know about the sweepstakes vertical and how to work with it.

Last week, we hosted the webinar about sweepstakes vertical: trends, top GEOs, offers, price models, creatives and landing pages, case studies, and more. This time, during the Q&A session, we got so many questions from the audience and could not ignore them. So, in this article, we prepared answers to the most popular questions from the event. Here we go!

Who are the experts?

During the webinar, we reviewed the vertical from 2 sides that are so important for each affiliate marketer: the ad network’s side and the affiliate network’s side. 

The expert from Mobidea has dwelt on the peculiarities of the vertical from the affiliate network’s side that knows everything about the sweepstakes offers they provide.

RichAds expert has spoken on running push ads campaigns in the sweepstakes vertical.

Daria Maichuk
RichAds Head of Customer Service

Skype: live:daria.maichuk
Telegram: @DariaRichAds

Francisco Guerreiro
Mobidea Key Account Manager

Skype: Francisco.guerreiro.corporate

FAQ About Sweeps Vertical in Affiliate Marketing: 15 Questions You Asked

Common Questions About the Sweepstakes Vertical

What is a good starting minimum budget for sweepstakes campaigns?

RichAds: It depends on the GEO you work with and the type of offer. But we recommend starting with at least $500 on sweepstakes. With this budget, you will be able to test a few offers as well as different creatives and landing pages. We advise testing at least 20 conversions to understand how your particular offer works. Testing all subscribers lists, and making your first optimization is vital for creating your own working scheme.

Could you recommend a tracker for my sweepstakes campaigns?

RichAds: You can use any tracker you wish, as RichAds is integrated with the most popular trackers, and it’s always easy to set up a postback. Moreover, the Tracking Wizard instrument makes the process even more convenient.

Mobidea: We can really recommend Voluum, Bemob, and Binom. We have integrations with these tracking systems, so it will be easy for you to set up the postback. These tracking systems have a really good inventory.

Watch RichAds webinar with Voluum and read the article on how to set up tracking between RichAds and Voluum.

What should my budget be for applying the 80/20 rule in Tier 3 countries? Tier 2?

Mobidea: It depends on the countries involved. A good rule of thumb is defining the number of sales you need before optimizing. For example, after you reach 20 or 30 sales in Tier 2 or Tier 3, you can decide if optimizing or just cutting is good. Define a maximum amount, such as $50 or $100, just in case to stop. For Tier 1, it’s much more.

Can I start earning on sweepstakes with zero capital?

Mobidea: No, unless you have your own website and work on SEO for free traffic, which takes years. Time is money.

Geos for Launching Sweeps Offers

Which tier is the best converting?

Mobidea: This isn’t compatible. Different tiers have different price and eCPM ranges. Tier 1 can make more money, but you can also lose much more if you don’t know what you are doing. Tier 3 is more forgiving.

How come you can’t launch an in-page push to Tier 1 countries?

RichAds: You can test in-page push notifications with Tier 1 countries but remember that the competition there is much higher than in the countries from Tier 2 and 3 we illustrated on the slides at the beginning of the webinar. The overall trend in our platform shows that the potency of in-page push is growing, so it means that all the Tiers will work with this traffic type. Speaking about Tier 1, we recommend paying attention to the United States and Germany. Try to choose SOI, DOI, or CC Submit offers. 

Mobidea: I’d like to add that the best converting prizes you can give away on your landing pages for Tier 1 are GYM memberships, gaming consoles, and, of course, money. Speaking about countries, in Tier 1 I would recommend the USA and UK.

Francisco, what about Latin America? I don’t see it on your map, why? Is it worth it to run sweeps there?

Mobidea: Sweeps work well there too, but volumes have stagnated somewhat. Right now, the Middle East is coming out on top for us. Especially with the money prizes.

Push ads Peculiarities for Sweeps Offers

What is the average conversion rate for push notifications?

RichAds: It is difficult to say the average CR for push notifications as not all clients send us postback. Plus, it all depends on the type of offer and the Tier of the country you work with. On average, the CR of the sweepstakes campaign varies from 1% to 5%.

How much data is enough for passing the testing phase?

RichAds: It will be cool if you can test at least 20 leads and all subscribers lists and understand how your offer works.

Ad Formats for Sweeps Niche

What ad formats have the highest CR in sweepstakes vertical?

RichAds: Classic push notifications have the highest CR. This traffic type is the most suitable ad format for sweepstakes. They are 100% noticeable and if you have never worked with push ads before, start with this very type of push traffic. Of course, we recommend not to forget about the calendar and in-page push as with them, you’ll have the possibility to cover iOS users.

Offers to Start with Sweeps Offers

How do crypto offers perform on sweepstakes?

Mobidea: Not so relevant, to be honest with you. If you want to promote crypto, go directly with cash sweepstakes instead. Crypto is a specific niche that 99% of the world population doesn’t understand.

Will I be able to work with sweeps through direct links, without a pre-lander?

Mobidea: Only if the offer has direct carrier billing. In these cases, the user has only to click accept and then everything else is done between advertiser and carrier. This type of offer is 10% of the market for sweeps. Here you should split-test between landing and no-landing. For 90% of the market, you need a landing page. Absolutely crucial!

What about “Mobile Content Downloads” offers? Please, give us insights about it.

RichAds: These offers also go well. At RichAds, we have carrier targeting, so you use this type to test and get better results improving your mobile content campaign. And, of course, we will be glad to help you with whitelists.

If we find an offer and it’s doing well but not English, how can we deal with that? Direct link or pre-lander in their language?

Mobidea: A pre-lander is always needed. If the language in question isn’t your native one, you can try using translation software or pay someone $5 to translate the texts.

Oh, loot boxes look like a nice feature! Can I set up such a flow for any offer?

Mobidea: Yes, BUT make sure the country allows it because some jurisdictions consider it gambling which is a big no-no. Do not use gambling elements if the country doesn’t allow it! For this, ask your traffic source provider for details.

Use RichAds traffic to make a profit in 2022

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 Domain redirect traffic,
🔝 CPM for domain ads starts from $ 1.5,
⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $ 0.003,
🔼 CPM for pops — from $0.3 in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 goes.

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