How to make converting landing pages for affiliate marketing

In this article, we will discuss logical elements, blocks, buttons, and headlines of the landing page that influence the customer’s decision.

Very often even experienced affiliate marketers face the problem of the budget leak. The reasons for it can be different but one of them is an incorrect landing page. It plays a key role in conversion. Logical elements, blocks, buttons, and headlines of the landing page influence the customer’s decision.

Read our new article to know how not to leak the budget and get high-quality conversions ??

Follow the traditional structure of landing pages

In a perfect world, the landing page should be concise. Don’t overwhelm it with irrelevant information. It’s important to know that the goal of any landing page is to perform target action. That’s why the offer should lead to the landing page but not to the main page of the website.

Here is the basic structure of converting landing page: 

  • heading (company’s logotype and name);
  • offer;
  • product’s description; 
  • objections’ reflection (for example, F.A.Q. section);
  • social guarantees (case studies, feedback, appreciations);
  • contacts.

Think of a cool headline

The conversion of the landing page depends on the headline. If it’s not catchy, the user will not scroll the page to the end. It means that the conversion rate will be quite low. 

You can snag the users in different ways. It’s better not to choose shock variants to hype: quite doubtful way to attract clients ??

While making headlines for landing pages we recommend using 4U formula. It convinces users to act and get solutions to their problems.

How to make a successful headline for landing pages:

  • usefulness (profit from using product/service);
  • uniqueness (what differs your product);
  • ultra-specificity (for example, “you will lose 10 kilos”);
  • urgency (time period for which the user will get profit, for example, “acne will disappear in 7 days”).

Use a clear call to action

On the landing page, the user should perform target action. It can be different: to order, to call, to register, to fill in the form. If the call to action is vague, the user doesn’t know what to do and the point is lost. Call-to-action (CTA) should be concise, clear and pushy. No softer language – the user should understand the profit. 

There can be a few CTA buttons on the landing page but they should be posted in different parts of the page. If two call-to-action buttons are placed next to each other the user gets lost so he isn’t likely to click at least one of the possible options.

Adapt your call-to-action button to your audience. All other selling elements (images, text, semantic blocks) should intensify CTA. 

Working call-to-action buttons for affiliate marketing: 

  • vеrb + deadline (for example, “call right now”);
  • verb + profit (for example, “register for free webinar”);
  • verb + product/service (for example, “try new product”).

Use suitable images

Landing pages with large images look much more attractive and offer is perceived better. It’s “second headline” which speaks for itself. Moreover, make sure that the image reflects the idea of the offer. Photos should be relevant to your offers and have a nice quality ?

Images are a nice way to grab the user’s attention. But it can be lost just as easily. It’s better not to use stock images with smiling doctors or office clerks. It only discourages and users may question the product or service. 

Follow these rules while making images for your landing pages:

  • choose attractive images; 
  • mind link between text and images;
  • visual elements should be qualitative;
  • the image should complement the general layout of the landing page.

Where can I found images? 

Find here a cool guide with all our recommendations.

It’s quite difficult to predict the conversion rate in advance, so after launching we recommend to start testing and optimizing. 

Use our tips while making landing pages. And bear in mind HQ RichAds traffic ?

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