Weight Loss Push ads Guide: Secrets of High CTR

Push ads show significant results for Nutra vertical. That’s why we prepared a guide for the weight loss vertical that will help you to increase the CTR!

Find the titles and descriptions that sell and best weight loss creatives below. These tips and tricks can be used for push ads and native ads as well.

How to choose a weight loss offer? 

Nutra is an all-purpose vertical which converts all year round. Depending on the seasons and geo, preferences in products may change. For example, vitamins are better sold in spring, and weight loss products are always needed.

Working with weight loss offers always requires understanding the client’s needs and the customer’s profile.

And if with the need everything is clear (to lose weight), there are difficulties with the audience. After all, your client is not always a woman, there are 20% of men who want to lose weight with the help of a “magical pill”.

When choosing the best weight loss offer, it would be nice to look at Google trends and choose the most popular products.

Remember that the perfect nutra offer should be trendy. Don’t try to sell the Atkins diet to someone who has already heard a lot about the keto diet.

This will help you surf the hype wave. For example, if you’ve heard something about the keto diet, you can try to include the word “keto” in the title. Green match weight loss products are also a good option to launch in 2021, but green coffee has already lost ground.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

Best geos for weight loss vertical

If you want to get profit on push advertising in weight loss, pay attention to the following countries:

  1. Weight loss products beat all records of popularity in Asia. Choose India, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, and you won’t lose on it.
  2. The USA is a country where you can successfully convert weight loss offers. Fortunately, the demand for them is not weakening but don’t forget to choose the right offers and approaches.
  3. From time to time, wealthy European countries (Germany, France, and Italy) show good results with weight loss products.
Use Instagram look like reviews to make your ads modern

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

Examples of the best weight loss creatives

It seems that creatives for affiliate marketing are always “classic.” For people who want to lose weight, these are the standard before/after photos but it’s not the only way to attract the users.

Here are 9 how to make weight loss ads better. They can be used for push ads and native ads as well.

  • Engage the user with shocking numbers

Be sure to specify how many kilograms users can lose and how long this process will take.

Examples of the best weight loss creatives
  • Cover your push notification for a useful article

Use figures and clickbait titles to increase clickability. Here are a few examples:

  1. “‎8 products that prevent you from weight losing”
  2. “‎10 negative consequences of overweight for our health”
  3. “‎5 easy and tasty dishes for proper nutrition”
  • Focus on motherhood and pregnancy

During pregnancy, many girls gain weight, and after childbirth, they cannot return to their previous parameters for a long time. Such text triggers work great for a female audience.

examples of the best weight loss creatives
  • Announce that it’s possible to lose weight without surgery. 

Many people think about surgical intervention for weight loss, but you can lose weight without it. At the same time, you can place various products that will help you lose weight in the creative (for example, some foodstuff).

  • Use the names of popular diets 

Google the most popular diets and use them in creatives. Here’s what you can do: Keto diet, low-carb diet, Hay diet, raw food diet.

  • Show the stages of weight loss 

Pictures of the beginning of the process, the midpoint, and the long-awaited slimness are always impressive.

  • Emphasize foods that help you lose weight.

Place vivid pictures of such products in the main image in a format of collage.

  • Place sports activities in your creative

Running, yoga, fitness are great effective ways to lose weight. You can also point out that with sports, you do not need to exhaust yourself with diets.

  • Use images of skinny stars

Star weight loss secrets are very popular.

We recommend staying away from shocking content. Use interesting and unusual visuals for push notifications and combine them with effective titles.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

The Secrets of good titles for Weight loss vertical 

According to statistics, push notifications that guarantee results get more clicks.

Recommendation: specify in the title or in the description how long it will take for the results to be noticeable. This approach increases the interest and confidence in the push notification and, as a result, the CTR goes up.

Title Formulas for Weight loss creatives

Let’s consider the options for selling headlines on the example of the 7-Slim weight loss offer.

Please note: the length of the title in the push notifications is 30 characters, and in the descriptions — it’s 45 characters.

1. Titles that include a timeline

[Solution] [time]

7-Slim: lose 7 kg per week

Weight disappears with innovative solutions.


[Problem] [time]?

To lose weight in a week?

It’s possible with 7-Slim. The solution stimulates…


[Time] [event]

Lose 7 kg without diets in a week

The irisin hormone will improve your metabolism and…

Creatives in the form of statistics get a lot of clicks too

2. Titles that mention the benefits of weight loss

[Verb] [product] [benefit]

Lose 7 kg without a diet

The new solution improves metabolism and…


How [benefit] [product]

How to lose weight with the 7-Slim system?

7-Slim increases the level of irisin in your blood, which


[Verb] effortlessly[product]

Lose weight effortlessly with 7-Slim

The body produces a hormone that…


[Benefit] [time]

Lose weight before summer in 7 days

With 7-Slim the extra kilograms will not return


How [verb] [benefit]?

How to lose weight without any sports?

7-Slim turns fat into energy thanks to …

3. Titles with “speed”

Do you want [benefit] fast?

Do you want to lose 7 kg fast?

Try a new solution for effective…


[Product]: fast

7-Slim ensures fast weight loss

The extra weight disappears in a week, thanks to the new…


Important announcement for [people]

Important announcement for women!

A new way to lose weight without dieting

As you can see, launching Nutra on push notifications is not difficult at all, just follow our advice and get profit on one of the most popular verticals at RichAds.

Run Nutra on RichAds traffic now!

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

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