How to Make an Extra Profit from Gambling Offers

How to Make an Extra Profit from Gambling Offers on Push ads

RichAds recently hosted a Gambling webinar with a cool affiliate who has extensive experience in running Gambling on push notifications.

Varun Keskar shared his tips that will help affiliates earn extra money on Gambling.

For the second year in a row, Gambling has been the leader in profitability on push ads in the RichAds ad network. It would be foolish not to share with you tips on how to make even more money from it.

Using them, Varun raised his profitability from $5k to $10-15k per month.

Find the basic knowledge about Gambling on push ads from Varun here.

Who is our Expert?

Varun Keskar

Varun is an affiliate who has experimented with most traffic types and niches in affiliate marketing. Gambling became the vertical, which helps him achieve $10-15k monthly.

Grab Varun’s Guide about Gambling ad campaigns here and our free Gambling webinar here.

Strategy 1. Adding Facebook/Google Tracking Pixels on the landing pages

The more data you get, the more chances for you to succeed with your campaigns. If you are serious about setting up long-term Gambling campaigns, this is something you need to do. 

There is no information about the gender or age of the users when it comes to push ads from an ad network. But this knowledge significantly increases your chances to make a profit.

To understand the audience demographics better, you should start adding Facebook/Google Tracking Pixels to the landing pages.

This is a snapshot of my Google Analytics dashboard. As you can clearly see, 71.7% of the users who arrive on my landing pages are women. You can build your creatives and landers around this data. 

For example, women prefer to see winning women on the ads and read success stories on the landing pages.

Examples of  banners for Gambling ads
Examples of banners for Gambling ads

This is just one part of the data. You can see more detailed stats about in-market segments from your GA dashboard, and I advise you to use it.

Strategy 2. Collecting Push Subscribers

how to get maximum profit on gambling offers using collecting push subscribers

There are 2 options: collecting push subscribers and building your push list or collecting subscribers through push scripts offered by networks like Monetizer etc. I tried both of them.

Building my push list did not seem to help too much. It wasn’t profitable.

Simultaneously, simply collecting push subs for other networks have been able to make me an extra $200-300 per month. This pays for my tracker/spy tool/server/forum membership. 

It is up to you which option to choose. Maybe you’ll have much more profit from building your own list than me. Also, you can make much more than the $200-300 per month from building a list for another network. Just make a try!

Find the top 50 affiliate marketing tools in 2021 here.

Strategy 3. Use Retargeting

one of the ways to increse the profit from gambling vertical is retargeting

Better lead quality means higher payouts. It is possible to get even $25-30 per lead from Gambling campaigns on the push ads if your lead quality is high. 

If you are running a CPA campaign, you can use your tracker to post back events as leads and then retarget these leads for deposits to get your CPA.

I recommend retargeting based on at least landing page interactions or conversions. 

This is relevant not only for Gambling but for Crypto offers on push ads as well. Retargeting is helpful for other verticals, but these verticals benefit the most! 

I always have at least one retargeting campaign running at all times. Even a $10-20 budget per day on retargeting ads is enough. Run it side by side with your primary campaign. 

RichAds will launch a retargeting feature soon.
Please wait for our updates!

Strategy 4. Collect emails

Everything I mentioned above helped me to make more money out of acquiring users in the Gambling vertical. But the game-changer, which took me from $5k to $10-15k per month, was to add an email opt-in to my landers!

Interested people who clicked on the push ads saw interactive landers with spin/survey first and then saw the page with the prompt for their emails. After they opted into my list, they got redirected to the offer.

pre-landing page example for opt-in for gambling

Varun’s example of the pre-landing page with opt-in for gambling vertical

The subscribers that you collect from push traffic are actually of excellent quality. And if the person is ready to deposit his money in one brand, he/she is more than likely to deposit in another brand! That’s why I send them offers from 10 different brands, and it helps to gain a lot.

My front-end conversions cover my traffic cost, and then email remarketing strategies help me take my 40-50% ROI to even 100-150%. I have my traffic source built with the help of push ads which I can market to at any point in the future.

how to get maximum profit on gambling offers - collect emails

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 CPC starts from $ 0.003,
🔝 CPM from $0,3 in Tier 3, $0,5 in Tier 2, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 goes.

Do you wanna learn more about Gambling on push ads?

See the real case studies and stats? 

🔻 Register here and get the recording of the webinar with Varun 🔻

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