How to Run Gambling Push Campaign?

In 2020 many countries relaxed laws on gambling. As more people continue to stay at home in 2021 it is an excellent chance for affiliate marketers to capitalize on the general public’s increased screen time.

Let’s dwell on how to run push ads gambling like a Pro.

This article is based on the TOP affiliate’s insights, who runs Gambling, and is ready to share practical insights with you.


Who is our Expert?

Varun Keskar

Varun is an affiliate who has experimented with most traffic types and niches in affiliate marketing. Gambling became the vertical, which helps him achieve $10-15k monthly.

Grab Varun’s Guide about Gambling ad campaigns here and our free Gambling webinar here.

Ноw to choose the right offer for Gambling?

Contact your managers

Two people can help you make the right decision about the offer: an affiliate manager from the CPA network and a traffic source manager. 

The first step is to reach out to the affiliate managers and establish good relationships with them. If you have an affiliate manager on your side, you will get access to plenty of insider information about what is working and what is not. Managers can get you special deals and payouts, and life will generally become much easier.

After your affiliate manager sends you a list of the top offers, go to the traffic source manager. They know what people are running on their platform, and they can give a fair idea of what’s working and what’s not.

Check out spy tools and modify your ads

Check out spy tools and look at how other people are running their campaigns. 

The main idea is not just to copy everything from the spy tools but also to contribute to it.

Even small changes like another color of your creative/landing page make a big difference to your conversion rate. Sometimes just adding or removing an emoji increases your CR substantially. 

Testing out every possible combination is the key to unlocking your push campaigns’ full potential in any vertical.

Choose the right GEO and the language for creatives

For Gambling campaigns, I am most comfortable with English. Hence I have always mostly worked with English geos. 

However, European GEOs like Germany, France, Italy have great potential. Eastern Europe, Latin America is also growing at a very fast pace. If you are bi-lingual, it is a great opportunity to tap into some of these geos with way less competition. 

Varun Keskar

Of course, you can always use Google Translate or get an interpreter from Fiverr to translate your creatives and landers, but it is always a bonus if you know the language, then you can be way more creative with your campaigns!

List of the Top GEOs for Gambling at RichAds

List of the Top GEOs for Gambling at RichAds:
African countries.

how to start push ads gambling_best geos to run gambling at richads
Top GEOs for Gambling at RichAds

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 CPC starts from $ 0.003,
🔝 CPM from $0,3 in Tier 3, $0,5 in Tier 2, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 geos.

How to make the best Gambling creative ever

The first thing I would like to mention is: What is the most crucial part of a campaign? Earlier I thought that landers are an essential part of a campaign.

But after a lot of testing in the last year, I can say that creatives are what genuinely give your campaign an edge. That does not mean that landers are not vital though it means that you should try to make a lot of attention to the creatives.

The second thing connected to the first one is how demographic information about the potential clients affects the creatives and landing pages.

Over the last several months, I have been collecting demographic data from my push campaigns. I used analytic tools like Google Analytics and Facebook pixel from my landing pages.

How to make the best Gambling creative ever

From the data that I have collected, over 70% of my email list is women. So I edited some of my creatives to make them more appealing to women.

creative examples for Gambling niche
I edited some of my Gambling creatives to make it more appealing to women.

But at the same time don’t forget about the balance. Create some generic creatives which would appeal to a broader audience.

creative examples for Gambling niche
The example of generic creative for Gambling on push ads.

The main conclusion: if you want your campaign to last as long as possible and get high CTR, launch it with both women on creatives and generic ones.

Varun Keskar

Different angles for creatives in the Gambling niche

Apart from the above two creatives, a healthy mix of various types of creatives is necessary while running gambling campaigns to ensure maximum quality and volume.

Following the creatives, I frequently mix with the above two types.

Familiarity Angle

This is an effortless way of ensuring a high CTR and CR for your campaigns. All you need to do is look up the most common names in the particular geo you are running and use those in your headlines.

how to create creatives for Gambling niche

Pair it with a message icon or any other slot/casino-based icon. Make sure you try out both male/female names.

Current Events

It’s another way in which I have had a mixed success rate with. It’s not as consistent as the familiarity angle but does outperform it from time to time. 

This method entails using the current events happening in the particular geo to catch the user’s attention. A simple google search will tell you what’s happening, but the problem with this is that you have to rely on your audience to be up-to-date.

how to start push ads gambling_creative examples for Gambling niche


These are some of the creatives which I make sure that I use in every campaign of mine. These have proved to be successful in every geo I have worked in, and these are the most prominent ones on spy tools as well.

how to start push ads gambling_creative examples for Gambling niche_Clickbait


These are creatives that work with advertorial (text-heavy) landers. I use these landers extensively to improve the quality of my traffic. These creatives usually have a lower CTR and a higher CR.

I always recommend setting up a separate campaign for these creatives and use multiple stories for one campaign.

how to start push ads gambling_creative examples for Gambling niche_ Sensational/Emotional creatives for gambling

Landing Pages for Gambling 

There are two major types of landing pages:

  1. Advertorials — these are text-heavy landers, usually with stories;
  2. Interactive is about gamification elements: spin/slots/other games/surveys.
pre-Landing Pages for Gambling

Interactive landers examples

These landing pages are based on gamification elements. People feel more engaged after clicking some time and getting some extra for the game. All of them follow a similar pattern. Some are spins/slots + surveys to increase engagement. 

You have to split test with/without surveys always. In some geos, you need those surveys to get people into the habit of clicking and answering questions by the time they reach the casino registration page, and for some geos, they actually prove to be detrimental.

Below are some examples of landing pages being used by me currently which are bringing in the $$$.

Advertorial landers examples

These are the text-heavy story landers. These need to be set up in a campaign of their own to ensure maximum returns on your investments.

I advise you to pair these landers with the emotional/sensational creatives to get the most money out of your campaigns.

Find high-quality traffic for Gambling offers at RichAds.

Always, always, always Split TEST!

I think it is very very important to keep testing even after you have a winner. Test your winner against its variations, try a different angle, do something! And I can guarantee you that something will end up working better. 

Things to split test


Test your winning creatives against variations of it. Easy to do it with tools like Canva. A slight change in colors/adding a border to your creative etc. has proven to be very effective for me since it makes it stand out a bit more.

Landing pages

Change headlines, add more steps to the flow/reduce steps to the flow, change the colors, background images, etc.

I have 5-6 variations of each lander probably, and if I did not have a full-time job apart from this, then I would have more 😉

Offer pages

Casinos usually have multiple offer pages available. It is in your best interest to ask your affiliate manager to source some offer pages for you even if they are not available to everyone.

Sometimes the casinos have their own pre-lander type offer pages, making it very difficult for you as an affiliate to convert them. In this case, you might benefit from a direct registration link!

Basically, you need to make your affiliate manager your best friend and ask for as much as possible from them. And if you are sending good quality traffic and doing even $1-2k per month in revenue, they will help you get to the next stage.

Most popular offers for Gambling
at RichAds

How to set up your Gambling push ads campaign?

With push notifications, there are not a lot of targeting options available based on the demographics of the audience. You have to make sure that your messaging appeals to a broad audience. Here are the things you can do to make sure your money is effectively spent.

Time Targeting

In most geos, it is usually recommended to target based on the active hours according to the local time. This would be between 8 AM to 10 PM. With the current pandemic going on, most people spend their entire days at home, and these times are usually the most profitable.


For Gambling push campaigns, it’s recommended to set up separate campaigns for all the mobile operators and Wi-fi.

However, the least you should be doing is running a minimum of 2 separate campaigns: 3G and Wi-Fi.

This is important because if people are using slow connections, there is a high chance that they will never convert for you. This would increase your CPA. If you split the campaigns into 3G and Wi-Fi, you can just pause the 3G campaign and continue running the Wi-Fi campaign.

Browser Language

If your casino page is in English, you are recommended to target only users who have their browser language set as English. For bi-lingual geos, this is especially more important. Casinos usually have multiple landing pages for different languages, and it would be beneficial for you to reach out to your AM for the offer page in the current language.

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 CPC starts from $ 0.003,
🔝 CPM from $0,3 in Tier 3, $0,5 in Tier 2, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 geos.

Do you wanna learn more about Gambling on push ads?

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