What kind of mistakes may decrease CTR on Push ads

read in this article What kind of mistakes may decrease CTR on Push ads and how to deal with it

In this post, we will dwell on which mistakes may be the reason for low clickability rates (CTR).

In any push campaign, the CTR value means a lot. Even experienced specialists are not immune to its low value.  In this post, we will dwell on which mistakes may be the reason for low clickability rates (CTR) on push advertisement

Mistake 1: Trivial creatives 

When it comes to CTR the uniqueness of your creatives means a lot! 

A lot of marketers use spy tools to see the trends. And there is nothing wrong with it! It’s important to evaluate competitors and understand if the product is popular on the market.

When decide to run the campaign with the same creatives others use — think twice. The results may be low if the creatives are just copied.

Imagine that lots of different advertisers can run the same offer with the same creatives on the same platform. Oops! ? Will the CTR be high? Nope!

The better way out is to find a similar picture that will help you to perform much better and have a higher CTR.

Mistake 2: Using 1 creative

New advertisers create one creative for the campaign. But it may lead to low CTR. This creative may have a low conversion from the very beginning but you will have nothing to compare with.

Launch a campaign with 3-5 creatives and you will easily estimate which of them performs better and delete outsiders. 

Let’s assume your only creative showed good results. But over time people will get used to it and it will burn out. What should you do? Change it in time! If you see the decrease of CTR change the image or text and test how it will perform. 

Mistake 3: Too frequent impressions 

It’s a really surprising fact but frequency cap can affect CTR! 

Lots of advertisers come with an idea to push and to get more clicks because the idea is to pay for CPC. You pay for clicks so you can show your ads a hundred times and it will cost nothing. Unfortunately, it’s not the best tactic. 

If you show your ads too often the audience will be too bored with it and won’t click it at all. When your CTR will become low, then your campaign may be kicked away from the bidding.

Limit frequency cap to 1 impression per day and get your profit without annoying your potential clients. 

Launch your campaigns using our recommendations at RichAds ad network! Wish you profit and high CTR!

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 CPC starts from $ 0.003,
🔝 CPM from $0,3 in Tier 3, $0,5 in Tier 2, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 geos.

Learn more about how to increase the clickability of your campaigns here.

Aksana Shakal
Aksana Shakal has been in affiliate marketing for more than 5 years and is currently the Head of Content at RichAds, an ad-tech holding company. Her sphere of interest lies in affiliate marketing and SEO copywriting. In her articles, Aksana provided in-depth expertise in gaining traffic with different ad formats (push and in-page push ads, popunders and native ads) and verticals (Gambling, Dating, Nutra, Finance and much more). Aksana also loves reading novels and watching interviews on YouTube.

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