A/B test: How to Work with a Large Budget

To get positive results from sending push notifications, you need to test connections in advance.

RichAds will teach you what to test and how to do so correctly.

A/B tests or split tests are especially important for campaigns with a large budget – it makes more sense to allocate a small part of the funds to A/B tests than to invest your budget in a non-converting connection.

What is a split test of advertising?

Split testing is a comparison between several variants of the same connection in order to identify the most effective one. During the test, one group of users lands on the A connection, while the other group lands on the B connection, which is a similar connection with some changes.

The purpose of testing to find out under what conditions and with what settings the campaign conversion rate is higher.

The result of the AB test is the analysis of conversions from the A and B connections. The full budget can be safely invested in the option with good statistics.

What to A/B test?

It is impossible to predict the changes in statistics that will result from changing the location of items on the landing page, button labels, and creatives. Therefore, we recommend testing:

Texts of notifications and landing pages

Testing will show how successful the triggers, selling titles, appeal to the target audience, product descriptions, and reviews on the landing page are.

Creatives and visuals

With a change of the creative, changes the CTR of push notifications. RichAds has explained how visuals affect the conversion rate and the number of clicks.

Prelanding and landing pages

Changing some elements of the landing page and their location can significantly affect the statistics. We recommend testing two different landing pages with the same insert or, on the contrary, different inserts that lead to the same landing page. This approach will clearly show which option has a better conversion rate.

Buttons and their captions

Call-to-action buttons do not always increase conversions and often have the opposite effect. To improve the statistics, all you have to do is replace your perseverance with a simple instruction: “Download,” “Buy,” “Play.”


In this case, the test helps to exclude from the settings the audience that is not interested in the offer and yields few conversions.

Top 8 Сases on How to Increase Profit with Ad Expert here.

A/B testing rules

  • Change one element within one test. If there are a lot of differences and changes in the connections, it will not be clear what exactly influenced the increase in conversions.
  • Do not rush to stop your campaign after the first 10 clicks. For accurate results, both options of the ad must get enough clicks.
  • Test variants A and B simultaneously to get the same statistics. This reduces the error when analyzing the performance of the ad.
  • Test on identical GEO. The same target audience of different countries is very different in mentality, wealth, and interests. When testing on different GEO, statistics will be


Split tests in arbitrage will help to eliminate failed connections and understand the specificity of further work with the ad. But most importantly, they save the webmaster’s budget.

Test connections and run effective ads with the RichAds ad network.

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 CPC starts from $ 0.003,
🔝 CPM from $0,3 in Tier 3, $0,5 in Tier 2, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 geos.

Five stages of testing push-campaigns is here.

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