Сlick2call offers (they are also called click-to-dial or IVR) assume the fixed cost of the call itself or making a payment according to the call’s duration: the longer the client communicates with the specialist, the higher the price.
Сlick2call or IVR meaning in affiliate marketing
Click2call offers are used for info products (for example, horoscopes, tips on finance, or weight loss). Sometimes there are offers with questionnaires and sweepstakes — there is plenty to choose from.
These offers can be divided into 2 types: when the user gets to the landing page and makes a call or when the call starts right after clicking on push.
In the first case, the campaign is set up on the standard template. You have the landing page link and your main goal is to interest the user by push notification and choose the right converting landing page.
Click2call offers can be divided into 2 types: when the user gets to the landing page and makes a call or when the call starts right after clicking on push.
In the first case, the campaign is set up on the standard template. You have the landing page link and your main goal is to interest the user by ad banner and choose the right converting landing page.
No need to explain that if you are going to run Click2Call flow, you need some mobile ads for a start. Let’s discuss this point!
Mobile traffic sources
Any marketer can place ads on their blog. Then they will be free. Also, ads can be purchased from many different sources.
Here is a list of sources for mobile traffic:
- banners on a site (they should be adapted for mobile),
- paid search,
- advertising in all social networks (Facebook, Instagram, and others),
- in-app advertising,
- ad networks with traffic (for example, with pops, push notifications, native ads, and more).
Nowadays, it is especially noticeable how mobile devices dominate desktops when it comes to traffic from ad networks.
In fact, 90% of push notifications on the RichAds ad network come from mobile devices!

How click2call offers work with push notifications
RichAds advertising platform support such campaign types. Any marketer can run ad campaigns on push ads. To do this, instead of the usual URL you can paste the phone number with the code in the following format:
Destination URL:tel:+442070000000

If you make money just by picking up the phone, a bright and visible push notification is enough. But if your aim is to keep the user on the phone — details on the notification would be a nice trick.
Put additional information in the main image! The more the user is interested in a push notification, the higher the possibility of a successful conversion.
Don’t forget to target mobile devices not to pay for useless clicks from desktop users.
RichAds allows targeting certain mobile providers if it’s implied by the offer. Find “Advanced settings” section and mobile operators’ settings in it.

One more thing to remember while working with such offers is the quality of connection in different GEOs — mind it when choosing a country. Before the campaign launching, it’s necessary to check the performance of a call center and set up a campaign considering working hours.

What is RichAds?
Ad network for telegram ads,
high quality push and popunder ads,
domain redirect, native and display traffic source,
buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.
Related articles:
- Mobile Affiliate Marketing: How It Works
- Click2call & Click2sms offers: How do they work?
- Roadmap to become an Affiliate PRO in Mobile