Best geos and verticals in February 2024

The best geos and verticals in February 2024 at RichAds ad network

Each month we share insights on the best geos and verticals that are based on RichAds ad network’s inner statistics.

February is no different, as we will present the best converting geos and verticals for push ads, iOS in-page ads, pop ads, native ads and direct click!

If you want to get the highest profits at RichAds, follow the tag “Best geos and verticals” and keep being caught-up of all the trends.

Push ads in February 2024 at RichAds ad network

Push ads have been a very effective and profitable ad format in the affiliate marketing industry since the very first time as they entered it! Push advertising notifications mostly resemble the usual push-notifications, which gives them the trustworthy appearance and allows to approach the audience softly yet very persuasive.

Updates on the best GEOs for push ads

Since January, the most converting geos for push ads haven’t changed a bit at RichAds. They will bring profits for advertisers second month in a row, and are: USA, Indonesia, India, Brazil, Russia and Japan.

The list of the best GEOs for push in January 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • India;
  • Brazil;
  • Russia;
  • Japan.

The list of the best GEOs for push in February 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • India;
  • Brazil;
  • Russia;
  • Japan.
Top geos for push ads in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best verticals for push ads

Unlike top geos for push ads, the best performing verticals for this ad format have changes due to February 2024. Finance got replaced by Sweepstakes, so this month it’s better to look into the offers of this niche. As of the rest three, they are still the same: Gambling, Antivirus and Betting.

  • Gambling;
  • Antivirus;
  • Betting;
  • Sweepstakes.
Top verticals for push ads in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best geo-vertical bundles for push ads

Top-notch bundles to test for push ads in February 2024:

  • Gambling: IDN, BRA, BGD, THA, RUS;
  • Antivirus: USA, JPN, CAN, DEU, TUR;
  • Betting: BRA, NGA, IND, PHL, IDN;
  • Sweepstakes: USA, LTU, LVA, MEX, BRA.

iOS in-page push ads in February 2024 at RichAds ad network

Since the usual push ads can’t reach the audience that uses iOS devices due to the OS’ advertising subscription restrictions, it was an empty niche waiting to be filled. Then in-page push ads came in! Now this ad format is among the best performing in advertising while targeting iOS users.

Updates on the best geos for iOS in-page push ads

In comparison to January, the most profitable geos for in-page push ads haven’t changed even a slightest! The consistency is a good sign, so you can keep testing running these geos for in-pages: USA, Indonesia, Poland, Italy, China and Malaysia.

The list of the best GEOs for in-page push in January 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • Poland;
  • Italy;
  • China;
  • Malaysia.

The list of the best GEOs for in-page push in February 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • Poland;
  • Italy;
  • China;
  • Malaysia.
Top geos for in-page push ads in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best verticals for In-page push ads

As well as top geos, the best converting niches for iOS in-pages to promote at RichAds have also remained as the month before in February. Promoting offers from these verticals on in-page push ads is a proven safe choice for profits now: Gambling, Dating, Antivirus and Sweepstakes.

  • Gambling;
  • Dating;
  • Antivirus;
  • Sweepstakes.
Top verticals for in-page push ads in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best geo-vertical bundles for iOS in-page push ads

Top-notch bundles to test for in-page push ads in February 2024:

  • Gambling: IDN, BGR, THA, MYS, JPN;
  • Dating: USA, ITA, DEU, CHN.
  • Antivirus: USA, DEU, JPN, ITA, CAN;
  • Sweepstakes: USA, LTU, LVA, PHL, MEX;

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

Pop ads in February 2024 at RichAds ad network

Pop ads have been around for decades, ending up as one of the oldest ad formats on the internet. During that time they gained in both traffic volume and geo coverage, now be able to reach every bit of the audience. Plus to that, they’re relatively cheap and provide affiliate marketers with high CR and audience engagement!

Updates on the best geos for pop ads

In comparison to the most converting geos for pop ads in the previous month, in February the situation is the same. Pop ads are famous for their stability in performing across similar geos for some time, so if you wanted to try them out safely, check out those: USA, Indonesia, Russia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Japan.

The list of the best geos for pops in January 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • Russia;
  • Vietnam;
  • Malaysia;
  • Japan.

The list of the best geos for pops in February 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • Russia;
  • Vietnam;
  • Malaysia;
  • Japan.
Top geos for pop ads in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best verticals for pop ads

Just like the top geos, the most converting verticals to promote on pop ads are still completely the same in February 2024. Popunder ads are really a good solution if you want to adjust your campaign and start earning! Well, try offers from these niches: Gambling, Media, Betting and Finance.

  • Gambling;
  • Media;
  • Betting;
  • Finance.
Top verticals for pop ads in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best geo-vertical bundles for pop ads

Top-notch bundles to test for pop ads in February 2024:

  • Gambling: IDN, VNM, BGD, MYS, JPN;
  • Media: USA, RUS, SRB, TUR, DEU;
  • Finance: ARG, POL, GRC, ITA, IDN;
  • Betting: USA, IDN, VNM, BGD.

Direct click ads in February 2024 at RichAds ad network

Direct click ads have come into common advertising usage relatively recently, but since then have taken their niche. The mechanism is very simple: if by putting an URL-address in the search bar an user misspells it, then they get redirected to a prepared domain with an offer on a landing page. As mischievous this ad format might seem as well it actually performs in terms of engaging the audience!

Updates on the best geos for direct click ads

Since last month, the top profitable geos for direct click traffic have slightly transformed in February 2024 at RichAds. Thailand have been pushed out of the top by Vietnam, now added to the list of USA, Indonesia, Brazil, Great Britain and Russia.

The list of the best geos for direct click in January 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • Brazil;
  • Great Britain;
  • Russia;
  • Thailand.

The list of the best geos for direct click in February 2024:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • Brazil;
  • Great Britain;
  • Russia;
  • Vietnam.
Top geos for direct click in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best verticals for direct click ads

Just like the geos for the ad format, the best performing niches for direct click ads in February 2024 are pretty much the same as in January’s report. This might be seen as another showcase, that you can keep promoting these verticals and be sure they will make profit: Gambling, E-Commerce, Telecom and Dating.

  • Gambling;
  • E-Commerce;
  • Telecom;
  • Dating.
Top verticals for direct click in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best geo-vertical bundles for direct click ads

Top-notch bundles to test for direct click ads in February 2024:

  • Gambling: IDN, VNM, THA, USA, BRA;
  • E-Commerce: BRA, USA, SVK, POL, CHE;
  • Telecom: RUS, TJK, CHL, USA, IDN;
  • Dating: GBR, USA, IDN, FIN.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

Native ads in February 2024 at RichAds ad network

Native ads is the type of ad format that one might call — discreet, yet very catchy. They blend into the surrounding website content and look as seamless as possible. Among all pros of native traffic, the one remains the strongest — they avoid banner blindness which highly increases audience’s engagement!

Updates on the best geos for native ads

Speaking of the best geos to run native ads on in February 2024 at RichAds, they’re a little bit different since the last month. Thailand has left the top place, so now India holds it, which still shows the Asian region dominance over this ad format. As for the rest, they are keeping their positions: USA, Vietnam, Brazil, New Zealand and Indonesia.

The list of the best geos for native ads in January 2024:

  • USA;
  • Vietnam;
  • Brazil;
  • New Zealand;
  • Indonesia;
  • Thailand.

The list of the best geos for native ads in February 2024:

  • USA;
  • Vietnam;
  • Brazil;
  • New Zealand;
  • Indonesia;
  • India.
Top geos for native ads in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best verticals for native ads

The most profitable niches to promote with native traffic have also altered in February 2024, as Media offers replace Nutra. This leaves it among the verticals that have been profitable now two months in a row: Gambling, Betting and Dating.

  • Gambling;
  • Betting;
  • Dating;
  • Media.
Top verticals for native ads in February 2024 at RichAds advertising network

Updates on the best geo-vertical bundles for native ads

Top-notch bundles to test for native ads in February 2024:

  • Gambling: VNM, BRA, NZL, IDN, IND;
  • Betting: VNM, RUS, ZMB, BGD, BRA;
  • Dating: USA, GBR, DNK, FRA, NZL;
  • Media: USA, EGY, DZA.


Best geos and verticals to promote on different ad format might change from time to time, or remain the same, keeping bringing profits for marketers. But it’s essential to keep being up-to-date on current trends in order to get the maximum of it!

We at RichAds provide affiliates with the opportunity to start running ad campaigns on all five mentioned formats right now! You can launch an offer on over 220 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1 and expect quality traffic!

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

Dmitry Makarov
Bringing the experience of writing sales texts for IT-agency, Dmitry Makarov has also worked as a content manager and SEO specialist in affiliate marketing agencies operating within the iGaming vertical. While composing marketing materials for the past 2 years, Dmitry has provided in-depth expertise within the topics of utilising different ad formats (push and in-page push ads, popunder and native ads), iGaming niche advertising and overviewing industry tendencies. His passion in creating has also been developed towards broadcasting, music and fiction novels.

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