Pin Submit

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What is a Pin Submit Offer and How to Promote It

If you have some experience in affiliate marketing, you’re probably familiar with the significance of mobile traffic. Even if you aren’t, you’d be glad to know that this traffic type is still booming and currently provides an excellent chance to make it big, irrespective of your experience in the game.

When you think of mobile advertising, what probably comes to mind are in-app, mobile web, and SMS offers, but that’s not all there is. In this article, you’ll learn about an easy-to-do yet almost forgotten side of mobile advertising — Pin Submit offers, also referred to as premium SMS, mobile content, mobile subscription, or carrier billing offers.

Pin Submit meaning

Pin Submits are mobile offers that allow customers to pay for subscriptions or services directly through their mobile phones. This kind of offer eliminates the long buying processes or the need for customers to provide credit card details — making it one of the easiest ways to promote mobile-based products and get users to pay.

Though Pin Submits are also called premium SMS, do not confuse it with SMS marketing. The two are entirely different concepts. While the function of Pin Submits is to pay for a subscription or service, SMS marketing is mainly for advertising. 

Here are some mobile content products you can promote using Pin Submits:

  • Games,
  • Wallpapers,
  • Battery boosters,
  • 18+ content,
  • Antivirus protection,
  • Fortune/ Horoscopes.

How do Pin Submit Offers Work?

Conversions with Pin Submit offers work only when a user sends a paid SMS or inputs a pin to subscribe to an offer. 

For instance, when you offer some valuable content to a user and they have to subscribe to get full access to the product or service, you can ask the user to input their phone number to receive a text message. 

Once they do this, they will receive a text message containing a pin code used to confirm purchases. The conversion will be complete when they submit the pin. 

You can charge payments either through the user’s phone bill or through the available credits on the number. If your Pin Submit offers charges through phone bills, the user will receive a cell bill at the end of the month that shows the purchases they made through carrier billing.

Different Ways to Get Users to Subscribe to Mobile Content

Now, there are different ways to get users to subscribe to mobile content through carrier billing. These ways include:

  • MT Flow (Mobile Terminated)

Here, users get a pin code once they fill in their numbers on the offer’s landing page. Once they have the code, they’ll need to go back to the offer page to input it to confirm the purchase.

  • MSISDN Flow (Direct Billing)

Also called Wap-click, this method offers a seamless way to get users to convert using one/two-click flows. Here, the user can pay for subscriptions without confirmation SMS or leaving the offer page. They only need to click confirm on the offer page to subscribe successfully because the mobile operator will automatically detect their number. 

  • MO Flow (Mobile Originated)

For this method, users can confirm their subscription to services through paid SMS from a registered phone number. This method is not as smooth as the other billing systems as it needs the user to perform more actions which could lead to lesser conversions. The user will need to visit a landing page through a provided link and then send an SMS containing the displayed code for the conversion to be counted.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

Pin Submit in Affiliate Marketing: What to Know Before Running Pin Submits Campaigns

Although Pin Submits are easy to run, there are some things you need to know if you want to do it right and make profits. Some of them are as follows.

1. Select Your Traffic Source

It’s important to decide where the bulk of your traffic will be coming from when selecting your offer. 

You may be skilled in social media marketing and decide to run your campaigns on social media platforms. This is a good traffic source, albeit very expensive.

If you are an expert in pop traffic and want to use it, make sure to utilize a landing page. 

Push notification ads also work well for lead generation, as long as you target the right audience and if you advertise to premium and new subscribers.

You can make things easier by choosing an ad network that offers lots of genuine and clean traffic. You simply have to create an account with the ad network and find out if there’s enough traffic for the preferred carrier and device of your offer.

For your pop ads and push notification ads traffic, you must sign up with a premium ad network like RichAds. Try your luck using RichAds’ mobile traffic. Here at RichAds, we have up to 90% of mobile traffic on push notifications and up to 60% on pop ads.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

2. Choose Reliable Pin Submit Affiliate Networks

Choosing a reliable and trustworthy affiliate network is one of the most important factors to consider when running Pin Submit campaigns.

Some networks that have pin submit offers in their database are:

  1. Adwork Media
  2. MyLead
  3. LeadBit
  4. AdsEmpire
  5. Everad
  6. ExpertMobi
  7. CPAMatica
  8. Mobidea
  9. Zeydoo
  10. Golden Goose

There are many other networks that have pin submit offers. After all, this offer type is one of the most popular today.

3. Examine the Details of the Pin Submit Offer

The main challenge of advertising carrier billing offers is choosing the right offer. Before choosing an offer, carefully examine the offer details, even if the pay is amazing. 

The better the payout, the tougher the requirements and the conversion flow.

Here are a few tips to help make choosing the right offer easier:

  1. If you have no experience promoting a pin submit offer, then choose one that is attractive to a large audience. You can niche down once you have more experience.
  1. When you see a mobile subscription offer that interests you, make sure to research and find out if the carrier is prominent in your target country. It’s no use promoting to a small population, especially if you don’t have enough data of whether or not the offer will perform.
  1. It’s also important to know the device type of the offer. Android offers are usually low-paying but accept more leads; plus, Android traffic is cheaper to buy. 

On the other hand, iOS-focused offers may have higher payout and better conversion rates, but the cost of buying iOS-targeted traffic is also more expensive. 

  1. Take note of the type of traffic the offer accepts. You can get blocked from the offer if you send prohibited traffic. 

Some advertisers also provide a negative keyword list, prohibiting you from bidding on the certain search and contextual keywords when purchasing traffic.

The example of Carriers that are available in a specific country any marketer can check in the Advanced targeting section at RichAds advertising network.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

4. Carefully Assess Your Landing Page

Don’t neglect the efficiency of your landing page, even if your advertiser provides it. Always visit the landing page of your offer to check if it’s up to standard. If the landing page doesn’t persuade users to subscribe, then you can kiss your ROI goal goodbye.

If you can make your own pre-lander, do so to increase conversion. Creating an LP yourself also allows you to optimize it based on your results. If you think your prelander can perform better than what the advertiser or the network provides, ask your affiliate manager if you can get a link that goes directly to the offer page. Once you’ve proven your traffic and lead quality, working with advertisers gets easier.

Make sure the pre-lander and creatives match the main message of the landing page and avoid deceptions — else, your high CTR would lead to low or no conversions, or the advertiser will cut you off the offer.

Wrapping Up

Pin Submit Offers are highly profitable in affiliate marketing. They’re even recommended as a good starting point for beginners and work well with sweepstakes and mobile content offers. Though they may feel a bit old, Pin Submit Offers deserve more attention than they get.

Even though most affiliates work with other marketing strategies, a well-placed and targeted Pin Submit campaign can generate high profits. You just have to choose the right offer for the right carrier in the right location. It may seem like a lot of work, but it’s a seamless process once you get the hang of it.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

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