Pop traffic is the source that possesses huge volumes of traffic worldwide and is really cheap! But is that everything you need to know about pop ads?
Here’s everything you might want to know to get a hold of popunder and pop-up ads!
In this article we will share what pop traffic is, the best verticals for it, along with some basic peculiarities of its usage!
What is pop traffic?
One of the most popular forms of digital advertising is pop traffic. If you want hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of users to set eyes on your product or offer at an affordable price, it is definitely your number one choice.
However, using pop traffic is not as easy as it seems. You must first understand its twists and turns before launching a full-on campaign, else you might lose all your advertising budget in one sitting. To prevent this from happening, arm yourself with enough knowledge about this advertising type and how to utilize it fully before using it.

Different types of pop traffic
Pop traffic, otherwise known as “pop-under”, “pop ads”, “pop-ups”, “pops”, “tab-under”, “clickunder”, and “on-click ads”, is as its name implies — it pops up on the user’s screen. It opens a new browser window or tab and loads a full-paged ad.
This ad is also called “on-click ads” because it requires a click on any part of the publisher’s page to trigger the ad’s opening. It doesn’t matter whether the user clicks on text, images, links, buttons, or even just white space — as long as there is a click or scroll, the ad will open up.
There are different types of pop ads, one based on the mode of delivery and another based on targeting.
Pop ads based on delivery
In case of pop ads “based on delivery” means the way pops appear to the user. Based on that, they can be divided into three groups: pop-up ads, pop-under ads, and tab-under ads.
1. Pop-up ads
These ads show up on top of the user’s active browser. They are effective because the ad is seen instantly, but it is ineffective since users right now absolutely hate anything that intrudes on their activities.
This is the most notorious type of pop traffic because of its intrusive nature. In fact, many browsers such as Google Chrome employ pop-up blockers because of the way they interrupt browsing, negatively affecting user experience.
2. Pop-under ads
Pop-under is the response of many traffic providers in reducing intrusion as instead of opening on top of the active browser, it opens underneath. The user will only be able to see it once he closes the active browser.
One way to catch the user’s attention that a new browser has opened up is to make the new browser’s icon on the user’s taskbar blink. Also, the advertiser can use sounds and enable video playing when the page opens up so that the user will have no choice but to check where the sound is coming from. The latter can reduce user experience as well, but at least the ad is not showing up “in your face”, as we call it.
It is not as effective as pop-ups when it comes to getting seen, but it is more effective in reducing ad irritation and, hence, receives a more favorable response to the offer.
3. Tab-under ads
Now instead of opening up a separate window, tab-under ads appear on the same active browser, just in a different tab. Much like pop-under, it is less intrusive and can catch the user’s attention by making the tab blink.

Pop ads based on targeting
Targeting plays a very noticeable role in pops advertising, although excluding socio-demographic parameters due to the lack of opportunity to gather it about the audience. In terms of targeting, pop ads can be divided into contextual and network based.
1. Contextual pop ads
These types of ads are displayed to users based on the content of the publisher website they are browsing. You can indicate keywords, domain names, or even choose topics to target. It allows you to buy pop traffic only from websites related to your offer.
2. Run of network pop ads
In simple words, these ads don’t allow you to target based on keyword or topic. Any publisher website triggers your ads for as long as the user’s demographic fits your other targeting requirements (device, operating system, ISP, etc).
Is pop traffic effective?
Yes, pop traffic is still effective in 2024, and we suspect, in more years to come. Pop traffic ads are not as intrusive as they used to be, after all. The advertising networks have toned them down so that they do not interrupt the browsing experience of a site visitor. Also, pop traffic remains very cheap in terms of CPM bids, as for 1000 impressions it costs from only $0.5!
According to RichAds platform’s data, only during March 2024 pop ads have got over 439 million impressions worldwide!
RichAds team
Popunder and popup ads have been around for a long time, and these are still going strong, even with stricter requirements by ad networks and tougher ad-blocking technologies by browsers. Pop-up ads are the most common form of pop traffic, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore other forms such as pop-under and tab-under ads.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.
The best niches to work with on pop ads
Pop ads are a good way to advertise affiliate offers, but not all niches will work well with pop ads. Pop ads can be a great way to advertise products that appeal to impulse buyers because the ads only show up when users visit that page for an extended period.
So what offers usually fall under impulse purchases? These are as follows:
- Gambling and Betting;
- Dating;
- Finance;
- E-Commerce;
- Utilities.
1. Gambling and Betting

While many people believe that gambling requires calculated and calm calls on making bets, most of the gamblers on the contrary are very impulsive. A sudden chance of getting in a game drives them to it, that’s why offers that feature casino games like poker and bingo are very popular with pop ads.
But if your CPA offer requires an FTD (first-time deposit) to convert, you would need a more elaborate funnel. For example, you might try utilising a pre-lander for Gambling with a free-sping fortune wheel, as it increases the trust for the offer and lets users feel the courage of the game straight away!
2. Dating

Dating ads that look trustworthy and are free to sign-up often work best on pop ads. Recently though, the more niched the dating offer and target, the easier it is to convert audiences to members.
Dating offers don’t usually require a play on impulses, yet products with limited access or emphasized urge on joining that same moment can push users towards the targeted action.
3. Finance

Impulse towards making money is no stranger to anyone, so Finance offers can exploit that on pop traffic. Especially if the offer positions the product as an easy-to-learn way. The more familiar and comprehensive a product is presented, the more chances to get the audience’s interest.
Also, consider how fast trends and niches in Finance vertical change, and the audience is aware of that. Keep being updated on the current meta for this vertical, as you might find that audiences lose trust to some products over time.
4. E-commerce Products

Niche products that you can position as a necessity right now also fall under impulse buys. Such products include UV sterilizer wands, GPS locator buttons, anti-snore items, and more.
Plus to that, advertising seasonal products on pop traffic is still working, since that also urges do impulsive purchases. While working with E-Commerce vertical on pop ads, pay attention to holidays, noticeable events and other global or local dates that can be used for promotion.
5. Utilities

Utilities, including VPNs, Antivirus, cleaners and others, perform well with pop traffic, as they play on common perception of the internet activity — insecurity. If the offer highlights some danger and then provides a way to solve it, it is more likely to convert!
Top verticals report for pop traffic by RichAds
Since RichAds ad network provides the opportunity to buy pop traffic since 2019, we’ve figured that trending niches might work better with pops. There’re still evergreen verticals that perform well any time the year, but the most profitable verticals for an ad format might change from time to time.
So every month we share a report on the most profitable verticals for our powerful ad formats, including pops. For example, in March 2024 pop traffic showed great results at RichAds on advertising offers from these niches:
- Gambling;
- Betting;
- Media;
- Finance.

To know what’s trending in the affiliate marketing industry right now, check out our monthly report based on RichAds’ inner data by tag Best geos and verticals!
Using pop traffic in the affiliate marketing
If you’re thinking of using pop ads to promote your affiliate products, you might want to consider that many factors need to be taken into account beforehand. Here are some tips when it comes to using pop ads traffic to get you started.
Use landing pages or prelanders
Do you know how to make pre-landers, or have you ever tried using one in any of your promotions? If you haven’t, now is the best time to learn. With pop traffic, having a landing page before the offer page helps warm up the audience. After all, they never intended to sign up for anything, much more purchasing anything, when you show the ad. You have to take them there.
To learn how to format a landing page that converts, visit this article on making converting landing pages for tips and tricks. You can also use landing page builders to make this task easier for you. Check our list of the best landing page builder tools to get started.
Target properly
As we’ve already mentioned, pop ads have millions of traffic daily. If you make the mistake of running a campaign too broad, your budget can be used up within the first hour!
To avoid this from happening, you should filter the traffic you want to receive based on the following targeting options:
- Geolocation (country, region, or cities);
- Device (tablet, mobile, or desktop);
- Operating system;
- Browser;
- Connection type;
- Carrier;
- ISP.
These are just some of the basic targeting options. Depending on your ad network of choice, you may even be allowed to filter based on language, device model, IP, source or publisher, and website.
Limit the frequency
Frequency is the number of times the same user sees your ad in a specific time period. The ideal frequency is one view per 24 hours. This frequency allows enough time for your ad to run its course without being seen too many times.
Sometimes, increased frequency might also help, for example, in case of upcoming big event such as a Football Championship. For such occasions, showing the ad more frequently will increase the audience outreach on pop traffic.
Whitelists and blacklists
Unless you have a very specific audience that would benefit from what you’re selling, it is best to avoid blacklisting sources in the beginning. The more information about the traffic sources you get, the better your decisions are when it comes to which pop traffic sources to stop and which to continue running.
In the end, this allows for improved targeting and fewer irrelevant clicks. Make sure that you do not limit your ad too quickly; else, you might not get enough data to see whether your affiliate offer works or not.
You can also compile whitelists if you see that some publishers or sources perform the best in your pop ads campaign. Such lists of the most converting traffic sources are more likely to get more conversions over time. At RichAds you can request whitelists for your offer, or start ad campaigns in Performance mode. This auto-optimization flow, Performance mode, adds fresh whitelists to your pops campaign every week, figuring out the best for your promotion with platform’s data and algorithms!
Test and optimize
Like any other advertising campaign, you must take the time to test and optimize your pop traffic campaign. You can do this by changing your ad copy based on your test results or disabling non-performing sources. A split-test between desktop and mobile pop traffic can help as well.
Also, you must adjust your campaign based on its performance. RichAds ad network has a step-by-step guide on testing popunder campaigns, which will help if you only get to know this ad format.
How to start getting pop traffic
It’s easy to get pop ads traffic. To help you get the best pop traffic, we’ve outlined the steps below.
1. Find a quality pop traffic ad network
First, you need to sign up with a reputable advertising network. Because of the nature of pop ads, it’s easy for dubious companies to inflate the traffic you get to charge you more. Working with a trustworthy network is essential to avoid getting bots and fraudulent traffic.
Reputable traffic networks have their own security systems set to prevent their publishers from sending suspicious traffic to your ads. For example, RichAds ad network utilises AdScore the anti-fraud solution to prevent bot traffic!
2. Evaluate budgets
Once you’ve signed up, you need to top up your account with advertising funds. You can’t start running campaigns until you’ve added funds. Sure, you can set up campaigns even without money in your account, but it won’t start running until you add some. Here at RichAds, the minimum funding amount is $150.
Since pop traffic is considered to be one of the cheapest forms of advertising, taking in account its CPM bids, that charge from $0.5 for 1000 impressions on the ad, low budgets are enough to start. But at the same time, pop ads have enormous traffic volumes worldwide, so you need to be really careful not to overdraw the budget on the first try!
3. Prepare landing pages
Landing pages are what drives the audience to the offer. Pop ads are a very aggressive ad format, and since no one likes if something interrupts their internet experience, especially with ads, landings are the key-player that catch audience’s attention. Sometimes you can add an interactive pre-landing to the funnel, which would increase the engagement and chances for the ad to be seen.
Also, keep in mind that if you make a landing page, it must be comprehensive and loading fast enough to catch the eye before users lean to close the suddenly approached tab. If you want to increase the loading performance, make sure that your landing page follows these most common tips:
- Increase the landing page loading speed
No one will wait for the ad to appear, so it must load >1 second and weight >200Kb. To increase loading performance of the landing page, use VPS or CDN (such as Cloudflare), and a powerful hosting service, for example, TimeWeb. - Make sure the landing page is localized
As a landing page is the first thing users will interact with on pops, make sure it presents the offer in the appropriate language and features all the popular payments in the region.
4. Create a pop ads campaign
Finally, you need to create an ad campaign on pop traffic, including setting up all the target parameters and landing page needed. You can do it on a self-service ad network RichAds, already providing automatic optimization flows to start with, or platform features to increase results of the advertising. Also, you can ask RichAds managers for assistance in creating and running pop ads campaigns!
Overall, pop traffic is a great source that possesses both high volumes and cheap bids, which only benefit the advertising process. At first, you might find it hard to get a hold of in terms of choosing the suitable pop traffic ad network, or dealing with bot traffic, landing pages creation, or even staying within set budget. But once you get through — you realise how profitable pops advertising is, so that you can earn thousands for a single campaign!
We at RichAds have been providing users with the opportunity to run campaigns on pop traffic for years, and have gathered enough experience working with this source. At RichAds platform you can advertise all the popular verticals on over 220+ geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1, utilising all the crucial features for pop ads! Start running pops with RichAds’ quality traffic!
What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.