How to gain Antivirus traffic in the USA: offers, tips, networks

Looking for antivirus traffic in affiliate marketing? Ecountered issues with Google ads, Twitter and Facebook and wanna learn how to convert antivirus and utilities software offers? 

Itching to promote antivirus offers in the USA?

You came to the right place! We have some new ideas for you. Read on to learn more.

People all over the world no matter where they live are being attacked by viruses and malware left and right, and the antivirus industry is booming as a result. While many affiliate marketers want to take part in this boom, they don’t know how to take advantage of the antivirus offers available in the USA.

Let’s focus on the USA in this blog post, but you understand that these facts can be taken into account for other rich countries.

RichAds ad network team will help you get your feet wet with the Antivirus affiliate vertical, and in the USA, no less.

Are Antivirus offers worth promoting in 2024?

The answer to this question is a resounding “Yes!”. In fact, according to a study by Check Point Research, a cyber security company, there has been a 30% increase of global cybersecurity attacks in Q1 of 2024.

Different types of privacy and security threats, including phishing scams and malware infections, have likewise risen. Ransomware attacks has boosted by 500% in 2023, while an average payment from organizations reached 2 million dollars.

Cybercriminals are in full gear right now, and so should users be when it comes to their defense.

This is where antivirus products come in. They are one of the most essential lines of defense against cybercrime and can help protect users’ data, devices, and identities.

Finally, according to Park Associates, the average American household has 17 devices in 2023. What does this mean for you? More devices signify a higher risk of getting exposed to malware, virus, etc. And where there’s a need that you can fill in, profit follows.

antivirus traffic

Furthermore, Antivirus vertical is in top 3 niches to launch at RichAds ad network, it shows highest CRs and volumes for our affiliates, while the USA is the biggest and most profitable GEOs. Furthermore, you can take whitelists for your exact offer from a manager.

What to look for in the best Antivirus offers?

Now that we’ve established that antivirus offers are a great choice for affiliate marketing campaigns in the USA let’s take a look at how you choose one to promote.

There are a few things to look for when choosing the best antivirus offers for promotion.

1. Reputation

The first is that the antivirus should be from a reputable company, and this means that it has been certified by independent testing labs, such as AV-Test and AV-Comparatives.

Some of the best antivirus affiliate programs available in the USA are as follows:

  • Bitdefender: Bitdefender is a top-rated antivirus with strong features and a great reputation. It is available for PC and Mac and can be used on up to 3 devices.
  • Kaspersky Lab: Kaspersky Lab is another well-known and highly rated antivirus company. It offers protection for PCs, Macs, and Android devices.
  • McAfee: McAfee is a well-known and trusted antivirus company. It offers protection for PCs, Macs, Android, and iOS devices, as well as anti-theft features for mobile devices.
  • Norton Security: Norton Security is a highly regarded security software company with a comprehensive set of security features.
  • Avast: Avast is a popular and well-reviewed antivirus software. It has a free version that provides basic security for mobile and desktop users.

You can work directly with these brands by applying to their affiliate program. The clincher is that these companies are pretty strict when it comes to new affiliates.

Unless you already have experience working on antivirus offers and you have a website featuring reviews and discussions of antivirus programs, you will likely not get accepted.

In this case, you can always work with affiliate networks that have the antivirus you are eyeing in their database. To find affiliate networks based on the offer or brand, search in affiliate offer aggregators such as AffBank, oDigger, and affPlus.

2. Features

The antivirus should have features that meet the needs of your target market. For example, some people may prefer an antivirus with a strong anti-spyware component, while others might prefer one with a built-in firewall and VPN.

Some of the most important features to look for include:

  • PC, Mac, Android, and iOS compatibility;
  • Protection against a variety of threats, including viruses, spyware, ransomware, and identity theft;
  • A firewall to protect your device from unauthorized access;
  • A VPN package.

3. Ease of Use

The antivirus software should also be easy to use. This means that it is not only easy to install but also simple to navigate and operate.

Users should not have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to use the software in order to be protected.

4. Competitive pricing and available promos

The antivirus should have competitive pricing. This means that it is not too expensive and is affordable for most people.

In addition, the antivirus should offer promotional deals and discounts from time to time. This will help you attract more customers and boost your sales.

5. Conversion flow

As an affiliate, you should know the type of action that counts as a conversion — after all, this is where your revenues will come from.

There are a few conversion flows available for the best antivirus affiliate marketing offers, which are as follows:

  • CPI (cost per install)
    With this conversion flow, the advertiser shall pay you for every app installation. Some offers require an additional step that the user should open the app and use it for the first time before your conversion is confirmed.
  • Pin Submit
    In this case, the user submits their mobile number to receive a code for a free trial of the antivirus software.
  • Click2SMS
    In this conversion flow, the user is redirected to a landing page where they are asked to enter their mobile number. The conversion is counted once the user receives an SMS message and confirms it.
  • Free Trial
    This is the most common conversion flow for antivirus offers. In this case, the user is given a free trial of the software. It depends upon the advertiser if the conversion flow requires that the user provides their credit card information or simply downloads and uses the software. If it’s the former, the payout is usually higher.
  • Straight Sale
    In this case, the user buys the antivirus software directly from the advertiser. The best converting straight sale offers are those that present a discount or a limited-time offer.
  • Revenue Share
    In this case, the advertiser pays you a commission every time your referral pays for his subscription. You will be paid a share of the revenue for as long as the user continues to subscribe to the service. The commission percentage can vary depending on the offer and advertiser.

Make sure to double-check the offer information and requirements before applying to and promoting one to avoid getting kicked off the offer or the affiliate network.

Now, after looking at all these qualities and you still haven’t narrowed down to an antivirus offer, then what you can do is to look for and work with an affiliate network that has a SmartLink for antivirus offers such as Zeydoo.

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

How to promote Antivirus offers in the USA?

Once you’ve chosen an antivirus offer to promote, the next step is to create a marketing campaign that will appeal to American consumers.

If English is your first language, then promoting to the USA is easier because you don’t have to translate any ad copy or landing page you have. All you need to focus on now is finding the right traffic source, getting creative in your ad copies, and setting up your ads well.

Let’s talk about all these.

Find the right traffic type and source

The first step is choosing the right Antivirus traffic type and finding a traffic source. Focus on one traffic source at a time and test it first before moving on to the next one. Go deep first before going wide.

Some of the best-performing traffic types for antivirus offers are push notifications and popunder ads — all of which are available here in RichAds.

Those two sources have proven to be the best for Antivirus offers as they have loyal content policy and allow any images to be used. Furthermore, prices for both formats are quite affordable, while the setup is dead easy.

Get creative with your ad copies

If you have no idea about what angle to approach when promoting to users, you should look into what your competitors are doing.

Research competitor ads either manually or using a spy tool. We’ve written extensive guides on the top push notification ads spy tools and popunder spy tools; check these articles to help you decide which spy tool to use when researching antivirus offers.

Examples of push notification ads for the Antivirus vertical

Here are some examples of push notification ads for the antivirus vertical in the USA. There are several working approaches, we’ve collected all of them.

Let us segment them based on style.

  • Shock or scare tactics:
  • System Notification style:
  • Informative:

Here are some examples of pop ads landing pages for the Antivirus vertical in the USA.

  • Shock or scare tactics:
  • System notification style:
  • Discounted offer:
  • Brand focused:

Tips for setting up Antivirus campaigns

Once you’ve done preparing the ad copy and landing page, the next step is to simply set up the ad campaign. Here are some of the best antivirus affiliate marketing tips we’ve gathered when it comes to setting up antivirus ad campaigns the right way:

  • Start campaigns with Performance Mode.
    This algorithm is aimed at automatically creating whitelists for your targeting and renewing them for an affiliate to gain highest results. No tracker is needed for the algorithm, it will do all the optimization based on GEO and other targeting parameters.
  • Set up a tracker.
    For Antivirus offers it’s crucial to set up a postback, this way you’ll be able to analyze the results of the campaign and optimize them more effectively and use AI-based optimization tools like Automated Rules and Target CPA.
  • Create a pre-lander or a funnel.
    Unless you are working with an affiliate network that has its own pre-landers, do not send traffic directly to the offer page. You’ll be wasting ad money if you do so. Whether the conversion flow is per install or per sale, warming up your audience is key to increasing conversion rates.
  • Choose premium traffic sources.
    The less the audience’s exposure to antivirus and utility apps, the better your chances of conversion. And you can only get that with Premium traffic sources (pops and push ads).
    RichAds divides all traffic sources into 4 categories based on how they convert. The best traffic sources are grouped under the Premium category. About 80% of RichAds traffic comes from premium sources.
  • Create separate campaigns based on device and browser.
    This will allow you to tweak your bids and target users more effectively. You can also make acreatives that match the device and browser. It’s crucial not to mix up Chrome and Edge, there are different bids.
  • Set higher budgets.
    The thing is that the USA is a very competitive yet well-paying GEO, that’s why it’s best to set higher budgets. It’s crucial to test at least 10 conversion prices to get the full understanding of sources efficiency and optimize the campaign properly.


All in all, 2024 is a great year to start learning how to run antivirus campaigns successfully. The key is to find the right offer, traffic type, and source, and then to get creative with your ad copy. With the right preparation, setting up an antivirus ad campaign is easy and straightforward.

For more tips on running antivirus affiliate marketing campaigns, please check out our blog. Thank you for reading!

What is RichAds?
🔝 High quality push and pop ads,
🔼 domain redirect and native traffic source,
🔝 buy push ads at $0.005 (CPC), pop ads at $0.5 (CPM),
⏫ domain ads costs start from $1.5 (CPM), native ads — from $0.001 (CPC),
⏫ ad network offers large volumes of traffic in more than 200 geos from Tier 3 to Tier 1.

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